Friday 27 June 2014

Returning to Overlooked Interests

Well here we are again and yes dear reader I am still managing to keep my head above water in the swimming pool of retirement.

Just in this very short post I need, after almost a whole computor rebuild due to a virus knocking out much of my old hard disc, to return to some other interests. One of these being my often overlooked web site dealing with the World War 1 research of my local war memorial in Wolviston; readers from colder climes and any from Chad may wish to seek the place out via Google Maps or Google Earth.

The link to my website is here.

 A warning, perhaps, that there is much work to be done as I return to this project and also due I fear to the virus. There is much to read however and I can promise an improvement over the next few weeks and months as I now have time to devote to this, and other projects and interests so please stick with it and visit often.